Jak wicie kocham: słońce☀😊, wysoką
temperaturę🌡, kolory i wszystko🌷🌺🌸🌼🐝, co złączone jest z najpiękniejszymi,
najprzyjemniejszymi porami roku jakimi są wiosna i lato❗ Dlatego właśnie
dzisiaj postanowiłam zamieścić kilka zdjęć, które zrobiłam w minioną niedzielę
koło mojego domu❗
Kalendarzowa zima, a tutaj …30🌡 stopni
Celsjusza 😍👍
Niestety, z wielką przykrością
przyjęłam informację synoptyków, że paskudna zima jeszcze powróci❗🤬😢 Mimo wszystko, ale mam nadzieję, iż
owe Państwo się mylą, a jeśli już ponownie przyjdzie to paskudztwo nie potrwa
długo, gdyż serdecznie nie trawię widoku śniegu i niskich temperatur❗❗❗
Anna Hudyka |
Anna Hudyka |
Anna Hudyka |
Anna Hudyka |
Anna Hudyka |
Anna Hudyka |
Io, invece, adoro le stagioni fredde, amo l’autunno e ancor di più l’inverno, che purtroppo quest’anno non si è quasi visto. Ormai stiamo andando verso la primavera, spero solo che non si ripeta il caldo dell’anno scorso. Buona serata.
UsuńI thank you that you read my blog :)
I don't like winter in the first place, because there is realistically little sunshine and warmth in Poland :( I don't like cold, cold and snow! Short days are a real horror to me! When there is warmth, sunshine life is better and easier, also there is no need to heat houses with coal and the air doesn’t stink. It’s also lighter when talking about finances.
I salute you and I wish you a good Wednesday!
No niestety powraca zima i mróz:( ale też mam nadzieję, że nie potrwa długo 😊 pozdrawiam
OdpowiedzUsuńŻebyś wiedziała, że niestety to dziadostwo powraca :( NIESTETY!!! Martyna pozdrawiam Ciebie i życzę Ci fajnej środy :)
UsuńBoa tarde de quarta-feira minha querida amiga Anna. Nosso verão esse ano foi "diferente", não tivemos tanto calor, como os últimos. O mês de novembro passado na primavera, fez mais calor que o próprio verão.
OdpowiedzUsuńObrigado pela visita e comentário.
UsuńLuiz my good friend, I thank you for your wishes and I wish you a wonderful Thursday too!
Me talking about the weather, today is another colder and rainy day :(
Great post, I liked a lot.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you, it's my pleasure and greetings!
UsuńBoa tarde de sexta-feira e bom final de semana minha querida amiga Anna. Espero que esteja tudo bem com você. Aproveitando para desejar, um Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher.
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Luiz!
UsuńMy good friend, I, first of all, thank you for your wishes for International Women's Day and for wishing me a nice weekend!!!
Luiz, you ask yourself if everything is ok with me?
My friend, I will tell you that I today started the day with a visit to the dentist...
Luiz, I’m glad, because it was warm today and the sun was shining beautifully!
Hello dear friend, Anna!
OdpowiedzUsuńI sent a comment two days ago, but don't see it. When someone sends a comment on your blog, he/she can't see such comment, as approval is needed. Consequently, when sending the comment it is not clear it has been sent successfully.
Anyway, I wrote that warm climate in winter is not good for our olive trees and vineyards.
Have a nice Sunday, my dear friend.
Hi Giorgio!
UsuńI thank you for your comment today. I now checked if there was another comment of yours in the last days, but I don't know the notification! I check if there are notifications about comments every day!
Giorgio, I talk about warm climate, in Poland unfortunately higher temperature in winter isn’t good too. Trees have buds and when there is a frost later the flowers are destroyed. In Poland, there is often a slight frost in May.
These are the "Cold Gardeners", another name for the "cold Zoska" - this is a climatic phenomenon characteristic of central Europe, when in mid-May, after a period of persistence of the baric high over Central and Eastern Europe, there is a change in circulation.
Giorgio, I wish you a wonderful Sunday too!