Moi Mili 💛💚💙🧡,
Dzisiaj jeszcze raz przemówię do Was poprzez
obrazy. Zdjęcia, które wykonałam kilka godzin temu. Przedpołudnie w moim
ogrodzie i moim obiektywem.
Powiem to: niezmiernie cieszy
przedstawiony tutaj widok🤩❗❗❗😊 I oby tak już pozostało do wiosny❗❗❗ Żeby zima
poszła do diabła❗ Wysoka temperatura🌡, jak na ten czas – około 10 stopni
Celsjusza, piękne słońce🌞 oraz błękitne niebo sprawiły, że mój ogród ożył!!!🌺🌼🌸🌱
Aż chce się człowiekowi żyć😊❗❗❗
Hiacynt - Anna Hudyka |
Grusza - Anna Hudyka |
Pigwa - Anna Hudyka |
Pigwa - Anna Hudyka |
Pigwa - Anna Hudyka |
Boa tarde. Obrigado pelas visitas, carinhos e comentários. Aproveito, para desejar um feliz 2024, com muita paz e saúde. Minha querida amiga Anna, fico feliz em lhe mostrar um pouco das aves brasileiras, através das pinturas. A única que não é originária do Brasil, é a calopsita, essa é da Austrália.
OdpowiedzUsuńLuiz, I speak of birds, I really regret that parrots, hummingbirds, canaries and other beautiful and wonderfully coloured ones don’t live in the wild in Poland!
UsuńI speaking of parrots, they are wonderful! My grandfather had two parrots, but he kept them in a cage.
My friend, I thank you for your good wishes.
Luiz, I wish you and your loved ones a beautiful, good New Year 2024 too! May this New Year be better than 2023 - may the New Year be no worse!!!
Bom dia e um bom final de semana. Suas fotos ficaram maravilhosas. Um Ano de 2024 cheio de paz e tranquilidade.
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Luiz.
UsuńI thank you for your kind words. I’m glad that you like the photos. I have to boast to you that the photos were used by one of the editors :)
My good friend, I salute you!
Quest'anno è un inverno insolito,non ricordo temperature così alte in dicembre. Buon anno Anna .
OdpowiedzUsuńOlga to stay like this until spring!!! I don't want snow and frost!!!
UsuńMy friend, I wish you a good weekend!!! You accept from me best wishes for the New Year 2024!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńHello dear Anna,
The weather isn't as cold as it should be here in Italy. Olive trees don't need such warm weather in late December .
Have a nice weekend my dear friend from Poland 😊
Hi Giorgio!
UsuńIn Poland the weather isn’t good for fruit trees either. If the frost comes the buds of the trees will be destroyed. Unfortunately, there will be no fruit, but I wish there was no frost and snow! I regret that such beautiful weather wasn’t at Christmas.
Giorgio, I wish you a good and happy weekend too!!!
I also wish you a Happy New Year ❗🥂
OdpowiedzUsuńI thank you Giorgio!
UsuńGiorgio, I for you and your family wish you a wonderful New Year 2024 too!
I wish: health, happiness, joy, God's Blessings on every day and all your dreams come true!!!