pewnej przerwie powracam do tematu Ukrainy.
Dzisiaj podczas brukselskiego szczytu przemówi prezydent tego ogarniętego od prawie roku wojną państwa. Wczoraj natomiast w Wielkiej Brytanii rozmawiał z królem Karolem III, premierem Rishi Sunakiem oraz wygłosił przemówienie w Westminster Hall. To druga zagraniczna podróż Wołodymyra Żeleńskiego po tej w Waszyngtonie (21.12.2022). Polityk w późnowieczornych godzinach przyleciał też do Paryża, gdzie spotkał się prezydentem Francji Emmanuelem „Putin musi zachować twarz” „nie powinniśmy poniżać Rosji” Macronem i niemieckim kanclerzem Olafem Scholzem (którzy wcześniej zjawili się w Ukrainie 16.06.2022 wraz z ówczesnym premierem Włoch panem Mario Draghi.
Oczywiście byliśmy świadkami deklaracji o solidarności z Ukrainą, pomocy w walce z najeźdźcą i Macrona: „Rosja nie może wygrać wojny przeciwko Ukrainie”, które musiały paść oraz fotki owych osób – dla mnie prezydenta (ale na pewno nie Macrona, który na finiszu kampanii wyborczej robił, co tylko mógł, by wygrać z Marie Le Pen, nawet robiąc jego z siebie jego klona) Zeleńskiego i dwóch… No właśnie kogo❓🤔 Z grzeczności nie powiem, jakie określenia owych „dżentelmenów” nasuwają mi się jako pierwsze.
zauważyć, iż wizyta we Francji została przygotowana na szybko, nie planowano
jej wcześniej, o czym świadczyć może chociażby przedłużony pobyt prezydenta
Ukrainy w Wielkiej Brytanii.
wykorzystanie faktu, że pan Zeleński będzie w Brukseli i pomysł na ocieplenie
swojego wizerunku. Niezły PR Macrona biorąc pod uwagę chociażby fakt niezadowolenia
sporej liczby Francuzów z jego rządów (między innymi będących i protestujących przeciwko
reformie emerytalnej, jak "uciekają mu" rynki - w tym zbytów w Afryce na rzecz Rosji oraz to, co mówił jeszcze kilka dni temu, że w dalszym ciągu będzie rozmawiał z kremlowskim bandytą). „Na przylepkę” Scholz, który w końcu po niezłej
(przynajmniej tak czytałam) reprymendzie Waszyngtonu zgodził się przekazać
Ukrainie czołgi. Zresztą napisałam już kiedyś: USA powinny wycofać swoich
żołnierzy z Niemiec, przenieść bazę z Ramstein do Polski.
rozumiem prezydenta Żeleńskiego, że zgodził się na spotkanie, gdyż chce
przekonać innych polityków do jeszcze większej pomocy w walce z rosyjskimi
terrorystami (przypominam m.in. Rosja to jedyny kraj w historii świata, który
ostrzeliwuje elektrownie atomowe), jednak ja na jego miejscu raczej akurat z
tymi panami nie miałabym zbytniej ochoty spotykać się. Zresztą we wczorajsze
„ładne słówka”, pełne patosu jakoś nie wierzę. Nagła przemiana mnie nie przekonuje.
Doskonale rozumiem należało rozegrać teatr przed publicznością – mediami, a za
ich pośrednictwem światu.
o panu Scholzu tak też się zastanawiam, czy przypadkiem nie chciał zostać
prezydentem Ukrainy❓🤔 A tak poważnie, to panie kanclerzu Scholz❗ Ukraińcy potrzebują broni! Szacunek sobie wywalczą ❗
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Thibault Camus/Associated Press/ /East News |
Which nuclear power plants are being shelled by Russia? Do not lie! Your blog is full of lies!
OdpowiedzUsuńFor a year now, Russia has been guarding the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. We turned it off. It does not work! Because the troops of the Ukrainian Nazis fired at the nuclear station for several months. We don't shoot ourselves. For a year now you have been constantly writing this lie in the comments of all my friends' blogs.
Talk to President Duda! He should forbid Zelensky to shoot at the nuclear power plant. Let them stop shooting at Donbass. Donbass has been on fire since 2014!
Good morning,
UsuńI understand that you don’t want to accept the truth. Why is this not surprising to me? Defending Russia at all costs by perpetuating lies and accusing others (the West). Russian mentality.
I will not argue. I have responded to similar Russian accusations on 8.08.2022 and 11.08.2022. I will not repeat myself.
I recommend reading my post too:
12.08.2022 List of Russian crimes - "only" the last 100 years:
I understand that you would be happy if the murderer/terrorist/terrorist sponsor Putin became a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
On September 1, 2022, IAEA Director Rafael Grossi came to the Zaporozhye NPP to check what was happening there. Russian specialists took him around the nuclear power plant, showed him the fragments of Ukrainian shells. Specialists from RUSSIA (and not from Ukraine) showed him everything. The Russian army has been at this nuclear power plant since February 28, 2022. Find information on the Internet about where Grossi was and with whom he communicated in Zaporozhye.
UsuńI don't know what crimes you suspect Russia of, but I know that your Józef Pilsudski was a friend of Hitler. He was lucky that he died in 1935 and Hitler attacked Poland in 1939. The Soviet Union liberated Poland and helped rebuild your country. When you celebrated the liberation of Auschwitz, your government did not invite anyone from Russia. Do you know who freed the prisoners of Auschwitz?
Our President Vladimir Putin is a tactful and wise man. He NEVER insulted ANYONE. He was never a terrorist and never sponsored terrorists.
UsuńUSA is a terrorist state and a sponsor of terrorism! It was the United States, together with Norway, that blew up the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. Both Biden and Victoria Nuland spoke about this. This explosion is a real act of terrorism.
Russia launched a special military operation on February 24, 2022. Why?
1. On February 17, 2022, Ukraine began shelling Russian territory.
2. Since 2014, Ukraine has been killing residents of Donbass.
3. In the Donbass, 90% of the inhabitants are Russian people.
4. Donbass asked for help from Russia.
5. Since 2014, Vladimir Putin has been asking the UN to help stop Ukrainians from killing Donbass.
If Donbass had lived quietly, this war would never have happened. If you don't know this, you are not a journalist. Do not listen to Duda and Morawiecki. They serve the US military-industrial complex. Citizens of Poland are being deceived. We have 4.6 million citizens of Donbass in Russia who will tell you the truth.
Mrs. Irina the USSR didn’t liberate, but occupied Poland. For half a century. Thank God we are a free country already!
UsuńAttacking and shelling Zaporozhye? I have written posts on this subject - I refer.
Jozef Pilsudski? One of the greatest Poles, too bad he died.
Auschwitz? You are responsible for WW2 too.
There was no one in Russia at the anniversary!
Very good! Criminals have no right to be in this Holy Place!
I remind you that it was Russia that wanted to divide Poland - the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Ms. Irina I talk about Putin is one of the biggest criminals in the world. I won't repeat my words and I too refer you to earlier texts. One of the most heinous beings in the world. He isn’t a man – he’s a fucking beast! A butcher! I'm proud of Poland of the Polish authorities - President and Prime Minister for helping Ukraine!
UsuńTen komentarz został usunięty przez autora.
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Olga! Thank you! I dear friend I wish you a good evening and Friday!!!
UsuńAnna, I am becoming more and more convinced that you are not a journalist. You don't know history. After the Second World War, Poland received part of the territory of Germany. When did we separate you?
OdpowiedzUsuńDo you believe the drug addict and jester Zelensky? Yes, he himself said that he takes drugs "for vivacity"! Do you believe crazy Biden?
Why is Vladimir Putin a criminal? Who did he kill? Ukrainian Nazis? Russian troops do not shoot at the inhabitants of Kyiv and Lvov!
And who killed thousands and thousands of people in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Cameroon, Iran, Cuba, Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Laos, Vietnam, Nicaragua? You don't count these people? Poland submits to the most terrorist country in the world - the USA!
The Americans also wanted to force Russia to fulfill their desires. But Russia is used to defending its interests!
Russia has never attacked other countries! But we always come to the rescue when we are called. For example, in Kazakhstan in January 2022, the Americans wanted to overthrow the legitimate government and make a second Ukraine out of Kazakhstan. President Tokayev asked for help from Russia. And we helped!
Who killed thousands of Poles during World War II? Stepan Bandera!!! Stepan Bandera is Zelensky's idol. Streets and squares in Ukraine are named after Bandera.
Russia has never been an enemy of Poland. We have always been friends. Poland used to be part of Russia.
Ms. Irina I refer you to books that present the true history of Europe. Unfortunately, this is a problem, because in Russia with the truth isn’t on the way.
UsuńWhen did you divide Poland? Do you remember - have you heard/read about the 3 partitions of my country, for example? Do you know what the Molotov-Ribbentrop Plan was?
The fact that Poland was under the occupation of Russia in the past is the greatest curse!!!
Russia has always been the Polish enemy! You guys were against Poland! Your government has never been friendly to Poland!!! NEVER!!!
WW2 bestial, ruthless attack on my country by Germany and Russia!
Zeleński drug addict? Russian stupid, pathetic propaganda isn’t for me. I have a little more intelligence.
Biden? Thank God he's president now. I’m proud that he on February 20-22 will be in Poland!
Another point: no, of course the Russians are "good angels" and aren’t shelling Ukraine! The Ukrainians are shelling their country and the Martians are helping!!!
Casualties in other countries? There wouldn't be casualties in many countries if it wasn't for Russia's dirty paws beforehand.
Russia has never "started wars" and you are a hotbed of democracy and human rights!
Of course!
Putin a murderer?
Never in life!!! He’s the "savior of the world"!
Really, super comedy you showed!!!
Putin is one of the biggest scumbags in the history of the world!
List of Russian crimes - "only" the last 100 years:
You guys can't even remember what you did to your people! For the Russian government didn’t even count the Russians and how many of them will die!!!!
My personal opinion: if Russia (former USSR) didn't exist the world would be much better!
Anna, you listen to Zelensky, you listen to the leaders of your country, who only say and do what the Americans tell them to do.
OdpowiedzUsuńZelensky sold his country and the inhabitants of Ukraine so that the United States waged a war on the territory of Ukraine with Russia at the hands of poor Ukrainians. You don't support Ukrainians. They are being killed more and more. You support Zelensky, who gets more and more dollars in his pocket.
Zelenskiy and his team have bought themselves homes in Europe and the US. Soon they will run away from Ukraine or the Americans will kill them. The US always kills the bloody dictators it supports in the beginning.
Mrs. Irina, you wrote about Russian-Polish friendship. No, there wasn’t - the Polish-Russian "friendship" was forced by the Kremlin! It was dictated by the Kremlin! There was a blunt, primitive desire on Russia's part to dominate, to reduce us Poles to the role of some small ethnic group within the great empire.
UsuńPartition and, after WW2 occupation!
Real Polish-Russian friendship could have been, if not for the sick, crazy Russian imperialism!
Russia to this day cannot forgive Poland that we captured Moscow! Moscow wasn’t captured by Napoleon, wasn’t captured by Hitler, but Poland did! The Kremlin was ours!
Mrs. Irina I didn’t write that the USA is a saint. It’s true that there wouldn’t be many victims, pain, suffering in the world if it weren’t for Moscow.
Wars involving the US? Many of them wouldn’t have been if not for Russia's imperialism, Russian interests and communism. The U.S. had to free people from the contagion of communism and clean up Russian politics.
Mrs. Irinayou accused the president of independent and sovereign Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelenski of being a "drug addict."
Russian: former President, former Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev is an alcoholic. A drunkard with the language of the most ordinary menace, a simpleton!
Ukraine has the right to be an independent, sovereign state – it’s! I will not be a "colony" of Russia! Ukrainians have the right to decide for themselves - they will not be ruled by Kremlin thugs! They will not establish their puppet government in Kiev!!! It was Putin who ruthlessly attacked this - I repeat - not distant sovereign state on 23/24.02.2022!!!
Mrs. Irena I want to know your opinion on several topics.
1. What is your opinion on the issue of 17.09.1939?
2. What is your opinion about Stalin?
3. What is your opinion about communism?
4. What is your opinion about Katyn, the Katyn crime?
5. What is your opinion about the Great Famine in Ukraine?
6. What is your opinion about the gulags?
7. What is your opinion about the "Iron Curtain" separating my country from the normal Western world, among others?
8. What is your opinion about the events at the Tockoye training ground in 1954?
9. What is your opinion of the nuclear ship Kursk?
10. What is your opinion about the Kremlin's concealment of the truth about the Chernobyl disaster?
11. What is your opinion about Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya?
12. Mrs. Irona you talk about the "wealth" of Zelensky and his people. I ask for your opinion about the wealth of Putin and his supporters? Russia is a criminal state, riddled with corruption, using crimes, destroying its own society.
I would greatly appreciate your answers to my questions!